Lucy Linder


Engineer at the School of Engineering and Architecture (HEIA-FR), Fribourg

Situation professionnelle en 2019

"The girls don’t get enough encouragement – they don’t realize that engineering and maths are open to them too if that’s what they want to do."

My career path

I’m a computer science engineer, so I design, install and maintain IT systems.

My passion. An IT system is a very broad concept and covers all fields. When you know how to “talk” to a computer, a whole new world opens up to you, and with a little imagination anything is possible. I like how multidisciplinary my work is. I can bring all my passions together in one task : coding.

I like to think that IT can really help people, whether it’s in medicine, scientific research, or more socially oriented fields. I hope one day that I’ll be able to make a modest contribution to human progress through my work.

My career path. I got into computer science very late. I started out with a bachelor’s in humanities and human sciences, putting books before technology. When I started my master’s, I audited a class on Java programming. It was a real revelation ! I hardly even knew how to use Microsoft Word, and there I was capable of controlling a computer and making it do things. It felt like magic – and it still does now.

I was lucky to have some really incredible professors, most of whom have become friends. The people at the School of Engineering and Architecture in Fribourg have become almost like my second family – they continue to support me even now that I’ve finished my studies.

A downside or obstacle ? The world of IT is so big, and things move so fast that it can be difficult to keep up.

I think one of the biggest obstacles is the lack of information out there for women. At school, most of my male friends were guided towards science and maths, while we were guided towards philosophy and the humanities. The girls don’t get enough encouragement – they don’t realize that engineering and maths are open to them too if that’s what they want to do.

I’m proud of everything I have created, even though some things are more useful than others. Developing an app is a bit like starting with a blank canvas. You can get inspiration from what’s already out there, but you end up with something unique that is a reflection of yourself.

The Proust Questionnaire

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Au-delà de votre profession

Les poulpes… Ce n’est pas une blague, je suis fascinée par ces créatures étranges. La lecture, manipuler des Nunchakus et «binge-watcher» des séries.

Des personnes qui vous inspirent

Ada Lovelace et Richard Feynman.

Un livre & un film

La maison des feuilles (Mark Z. Danielewski) et Matrix (les sœurs Wachowski).

Un modèle

Un de mes professeurs et ami, Jacques Supcik, dont la passion est contagieuse.

Un objet

Un Rubik’s Cube (impossible à résoudre, sauf si on a le mode d’emploi).

Une couleur

Elles sont toutes magnifiques, donc le blanc, qui les contient toutes.

Un rêve

M’éteindre calmement à 101 ans en étant satisfaite de la vie que j’aurai vécue.