Juliana Pantet


Director of a tech and science park, Yverdon-les-Bains

Situation professionnelle en 2019

"I'm proud proud that I believed and invested in several women entrepreneurs who have the potential to change the world through their innovative creations."

My career path

I manage Y-PARC, a tech and science park in Yverdon-les-Bains that’s home to more than 160 companies and startups. Y-PARC accepts companies involved in R & D, production and training. I’m in charge of promoting and organizing the park. I run events and workshops to support our business owners and to create a community and an innovation ecosystem. I’m also responsible for bringing innovative companies to our campus, especially those working in cybersecurity, medtech and robotics.

My passion. I find it really interesting to be involved in developing the economy and innovation in my region through job creation. What motivates me the most in my work is having an impact on the world.

My career path. I’ve never been afraid of taking risks and having a go at things. My former boss saw potential in me that I didn’t know was there. I’ve also had several mentors and obtained several scholarships.

A downside or obstacle ? There are too many to list just one. The first obstacle that comes to mind is that people often don’t take me seriously because they have this preconception of what I should look like. There aren’t many women in my field.

I’m proud to have been involved in getting more than 300 million Swiss francs in investment through various projects at Y-PARC in one year. I’m also proud that I believed and invested in several women entrepreneurs who have the potential to change the world through their innovative creations.

The Proust Questionnaire

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Au-delà de votre profession

J’ai beaucoup d’intérêt pour l’innovation dans les technologies pour les chiens.

Des personnes qui vous inspirent

Sheryl Sandberg et Steve Jobs.

Un livre & un film

Wild (Cheryl Strayed) et The Pursuit of Happiness (Gabriele Muccino).

Un modèle

Steve Jobs

Un objet

Une paire de skis

Une couleur

Le bleu roi

Un rêve

Je rêve d’apprendre à danser comme Michael Jackson.