My career path"I especially like taking on new challenges. I have had numerous occasions to do just that with various projects that we have been working on through our different platforms."
I’m a full professor at the School of Management and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD), where I teach different subjects relating to intelligent data analysis. I am also in charge of an interdisciplinary research group called Health, Engineering and Economics, the aim of which is to facilitate collaboration between these three specializations to promote innovative, patient-centric medical solutions.
I’m passionate about connecting with my colleagues and students – it’s a daily source of personal satisfaction for me. Our interactions create a positive environment where we can all work on our shared passion. I especially like taking on new challenges. I have had numerous occasions to do just that with various projects that we have been working on through our different platforms (e.g. the Health, Engineering and Economics group and the health engineering platform) and at the Institute for Information and Communication Technologies. The universities of applied sciences are truly at the cutting edge of multiple fields, and they develop or share these technologies with local industry.
My career path. In June 1996, I earned my degree in mathematics from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi, Romania. I arrived in Switzerland in October of that same year to do my master’s degree in statistics at the University of Neuchâtel. A year later, I was hired as an assistant at the university’s interfaculty computer science institute and then obtained my PhD in computer science in 2002. I worked as a researcher at the cancer epidemiology unit in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine at the CHUV in Lausanne before becoming a professor at HEIG-VD in October 2002.
Work and rigour are the keys to my success, and I’m driven by my desire to succeed. Throughout my childhood, my parents were always there to support me. And I’ve always been able to count on my team and the school’s administration to support our work, be it in teaching or our projects. My team is extremely effective and motivated.
A downside or obstacle ? It’s hard to assert yourself as a woman coming from another country, in a world where men monopolize the conversation and determine what people should think. But, of course, not all men are like that.
I’m particularly proud that, coming from Romania, I have been able to make it to this level in a Swiss university. I think my strength lies in my desire to always do my best and to never give up.
La famille, mon fils ! Ma famille est ma toute grande priorité. Et quand tout le reste m’en laisse le temps, je pratique le jardinage et la décoration de la maison.
Marie Curie, femme de tête et de cœur, qui a su, par son génie, s’imposer et imposer son esprit dans un monde largement dominé par les hommes. Son courage et sa détermination inspirent force et motivation.
Autoportret într-o oglindă spartă (Octavian Paler), auteur roumain que j’apprécie beaucoup, ou encore Convorbiri cu Octavian Paler (Daniel Cristea-Enache), un livre de dialogues avec Octavian Paler. The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola) avec Robert de Niro et Al Pacino.
Mes professeur-e-s au lycée Colegiul National Emil Racovita de Iasi en Roumanie, qui en dépit des conditions très difficiles à l’époque, ont su insuffler en nous le désir d’apprendre et de se perfectionner.
Mon téléphone. J’ai presque honte de le dire, mais sans cet objet, je ne sais pas comment je pourrais gérer efficacement mon quotidien.
Le rouge des roses. C’est une couleur vive qui est pour moi symbole de joie, de vie et d’amour.
Tout simplement que mes proches et moi restions en bonne santé, en paix et entourés d’amour.