Natalie Rohner


Civil engineer with the firm gex & dorthe ingenieurs, Bulle

Situation professionnelle en 2019

"I like seeing a project take shape, both in terms of the social side in the on-site meetings and my own individual work of modelling the structure on the computer."

My career path

I’m a civil engineer with the firm gex & dorthe. My work involves finding solutions to optimize the construction of buildings and ensure they are safe. Each project starts with the architect, who draws up the plans based on the client’s wishes. Then the project goes on to the engineer, who calculates the dimensions and other aspects of the structure. These plans are then passed on to the builder ready for construction. Up until June 2018, I was doing research into structural dynamics, mainly of old buildings.

My passion. I like seeing a project take shape, both in terms of the social side in the on-site meetings and my own individual work of modelling the structure on the computer. In my previous job, I worked on the measurements of historical buildings. I also like working with other people.

My career path. I got where I am thanks to an internship I did with this company in 2010, before starting my studies in civil engineering at HEIA-FR. My bosses had remembered that I worked well and contacted me again. My family has been very supportive in all my decisions.

A downside or obstacle ? There’s quite a lot of stress and apprehension when a project starts, just making sure that we haven’t forgotten anything. I haven’t really come up against any obstacles. I’d even say that a lot of people are very happy to have women who are interested in this type of work and who do everything they can to make it happen. But you have to constantly assert yourself and be sure of yourself, which can be hard for some women. And some men still don’t like getting orders or feedback from a woman.

I’m proud that I can help architects to reduce the amount of materials used in construction and to ensure that buildings are safe for users.

The Proust Questionnaire

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Au-delà de votre profession

Les sports d'hiver, ski, luge, raquette, la randonnée, découvrir le monde, améliorer constamment l'état de notre planète en diminuant certaines consommations.

Des personnes qui vous inspirent

Marie Curie, Katherine Johnson

Un livre

Les Yeux jaunes des crocodiles (Katherine Pancol)

Un modèle

Santiago Calatrava, en particulier le pont de la Femme

Une couleur

Le vert

Un rêve

Pouvoir améliorer la condition de vie des personnes défavorisées sans devoir les délocaliser.