Valérie Lepiller


Teacher and researcher at the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT), Belfort-Montbéliard

Situation professionnelle en 2019

"In terms of research, my focus is on the instability, turbulence and energetics of buildings."

My career path

I’m a teacher and researcher at the Belfort-Montbéliard IUT. I’m in charge of the sustainable construction and civil engineering department. In terms of research, my focus is on the instability, turbulence and energetics of buildings. I’m trying to further research in my field and pass on some of that knowledge to my students.

My passion. My days are often quite varied. I’m in contact with lots of different people : my students fresh out of school, other teachers I’m working on projects with, as well as people from the manufacturing world and partners in the construction sector. I try and help my students and fellow researchers break into that world. I like helping other people and developing projects.

My career path. During my studies, my master’s supervisor taught me about his work environment. After an internship in a research lab, I continued my doctoral studies under his supervision. In 2006, I obtained my PhD in physics from the University of Le Havre. I studied the hydrothermic instabilities in a vertical Couette-Taylor flow system with a radial temperature gradient. I then did a postdoc at the Laboratory of Physics and Mechanics of Heterogeneous Spaces at the Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie industrielles (ESPCI) in Paris. My friends and family – and particularly my parents – have been very supportive and endlessly kind and tolerant.

A downside or obstacle ? Not knowing how to stop ! I can’t disconnect, even though I really try ! It’s not always easy to be the only woman in a meeting or working on a given project. It can make you feel quite alone. There aren’t many female role models in my field. And really outstanding careers can actually be quite intimidating.

When I started my university career, the department I teach in now had only just opened. I’m proud that I’ve been able to put forward my ideas and develop the department and that I’ve managed to build ties with the construction sector over my two terms in office. My strength is my ability to communicate with the various partners involved with the department. For me, it’s important to put people at ease so that we can work and negotiate with them effectively.

The Proust Questionnaire

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Au-delà de votre profession

La lecture, j’ai toujours été férue de livres. Aujourd’hui, je me passionne pour les romans policiers.

Des personnes qui vous inspirent

Olympe de Gouges, Sheryl Sandberg et Al Gore pour la diffusion de connaissances sur les changements climatiques.

Un livre & un film

L’écume des jours (Boris Vian) et Demain (Cyril Dion et Mélanie Laurent).

Un modèle

Mon directeur de thèse pour son intelligence et sa passion du métier. J’ai rencontré très (très !) peu de femmes scientifiques pendant mes études.

Un objet

Mon parfum pour de multiples raisons.

Une couleur

Le rouge

Un rêve
