My career path"I'm proud of what I’ve achieved, especially the projects I’ve conducted. And I’m also proud that I’ve helped to promote scientific jobs for women."
I’m a software engineer, which means I find software solutions for my clients. I’m currently working at the conservatory and botanical gardens in Geneva, developing a new management tool.
I’m passionate about innovation and change. My work involves developing innovative systems. It’s a field that’s constantly evolving, and we have to make sure our solutions keep pace with people’s needs.
My career path. It all started with my older brother, who was an electronic engineer, and my passion for DIY. I’m much younger than my brother and would often help him when he had some IT or electronics work to do. It made me want to learn more.
When I completed my compulsory schooling, I didn’t want to stay at school. I wanted to do something more hands on. So I enrolled in the centre for technical vocational training and obtained a federal diploma in IT and a vocational secondary-school diploma.
Once I’d got my diploma, I decided to keep going and become an IT engineer. So I took a course at the Haute Ecole du Paysage, d’Ingenierie et d’Architecture (HEPIA) in Geneva and obtained a bachelor’s degree in IT engineering with a specialization in software and complex systems.
After my bachelor’s degree, I had the opportunity to work part time as an assistant at HEPIA while I studied for my master’s in engineering with a specialization in information technologies. This allowed me to deepen my engineering knowledge.
My family, friends and colleagues have always been very supportive.
A downside or obstacle ? For me, the obstacles have mainly been social ones.
First, people have a certain view of what scientific jobs entail. They often think that it’s men’s work, even though there’s no reason it should be. A woman is just as capable of creating things, and the work isn’t physical at all.
Then there’s the issue of support. Women often want to go into this field, but they don’t get the support they need or aren’t encouraged to persevere.
And finally, there’s character. Being surrounded by men is not always easy, and you need the right character in order to fit in.
I’m proud of what I’ve achieved, especially the projects I’ve conducted. And I’m also proud that I’ve helped to promote scientific jobs for women. And most importantly, I’m proud to be who I am and to have stayed true to myself.
La pâtisserie, la cuisine, la lecture et le «Do It Yourself».
La femme que je peux devenir si je m’en donne les moyens et mon père.
Divergent (Veronica Roth) et The Fault In Our Stars (Josh Boone)
Je dirais que ce qui me représente le plus n’est pas un objet mais le fait d’être souvent associée à l’image d’une maman attentionnée alors que je ne suis pas encore mère.
Le rouge
Fonder une famille, réussir dans la vie et être heureuse.