Fanny Carrard


Academic assistant at the School of Business and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD), Yverdon-les-Bains

Situation professionnelle en 2019

"On top of the fact that we can make things better, I’m driven by the many career prospects out there."

My career path

I’m an electrical engineer specializing in energy systems. I work part time as an academic assistant at HEIG-VD, and I’m also studying for a master’s in energy technologies with a specialization in electricity. I’m currently involved in setting up a new lab to test home-automation devices that maximize the direct use of solar-generated electricity.

I’m passionate about the possibilities we, as engineers, have to make the world a better place by creating things that are useful to people. The daily challenges we face are also a source of motivation – no two days are ever the same. On top of the fact that we can make things better, I’m driven by the many career prospects out there.

My career path. My decision to do a master’s was driven strongly – but not only – by Mauro Carpita and Jean-François Affolter. They believed in me and offered me the assistantship I’m doing at the moment. In addition to these professors, I got support from HEIG-VD, which gave me a grant so that I could focus on my studies. My partner is also very supportive, and I’d find it much more difficult to overcome some of the challenges I face without him. And whatever happens, I know that I can always count on the support of my friend and colleague, Douglas.

A downside or obstacle ? Always being afraid of not being good enough – that’s probably why there are so few women who take the leap into technical fields. I don’t really think there are any obstacles, but I do think a lot of women shy away from technical fields because of a lack of encouragement. There’s also the fear of not succeeding. I don’t really have the answer as to why there are so few women in technical fields.

I’m proud that I got to this level of education, as I’ve never been very academic. Studying in a technical field made me realise that when you like what you do, you can achieve anything. I’m happy to be able to contribute to the development of new technologies and to come up with solutions to try and minimize our impact on the planet.

The Proust Questionnaire

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Au-delà de votre profession

La nature et les animaux, lire, cuisiner, la musique (l’écouter et en jouer), la photographie, les voyages… La case est trop petite !

Des personnes qui vous inspirent

Sheryl Sandberg et le Dalaï-lama.

Un livre & un film

Lean In (Sheryl Sandberg) et Demain (Cyril Dion et Mélanie Laurent).

Un modèle

La majorité de mes collègues et les professeurs de l’institut de recherche dans lequel je travaille, en particulier Mauro Carpita et Jean-François Affolter.

Un objet

Je ne suis pas très matérialiste.

Une couleur

Ça dépend des jours, parfois le rouge, le bleu et parfois le blanc.

Un rêve

Que l’être humain se rende compte de la chance qu’il a de vivre sur une si belle planète et qu’il apprenne à en prendre d’avantage soin.