Yasmine Char


Theatre director, Pully

Situation professionnelle en 2019

"I think my strength is that I’m able to rise to the challenge without ever letting myself be beaten. I follow my path with conviction."

My career path

I have two occupations. I’m the director of the Théâtre de l’Octogone, which means I’m in charge of the official programme and managing the theatre – drawing up the budget, managing staff and so on. I’ve also written two novels, La main de Dieu (2008) and Le palais des autres jours (2012), both of which were published by Gallimard.

My passion. Whether I’m at the theatre or writing, what really motivates me in the mornings is coming up with a project and seeing it through to completion, like when we put on a show or I publish a novel. I also really enjoy sharing an experience with other people, such as the audience at the theatre or the readers of my books, and bringing them joy.

My career path. I’ve always tried to have luck on my side and keep an eye out for opportunities. It can take time, but if you’re attentive and open-minded, you always find something. There have been some key people in my life, whom I’ve often met by chance. I’ve been lucky to come across some really amazing people. The former director, Jean-Pierre Althaus, was extremely supportive. We took the same approach to the theatre, and he really wanted to be sure he passed it on to someone who shared his philosophy. I’ve also been fortunate to have the support of the head of cultural affairs in Pully and the mayor – they’re both very good at listening and very clear-sighted.

A downside or obstacle ? There’s never enough time. I’d like to be able to double up my days and stretch my nights to infinity.

What I find rewarding is being able to move people and make them think. I don’t think I’ve made any real contribution as such – I’ve haven’t done anything groundbreaking but I have brought a human touch. I think my strength is that I’m able to rise to the challenge without ever letting myself be beaten. I follow my path with conviction.

The Proust Questionnaire

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Au-delà de votre profession

Tout ce qui se rapporte à la culture : musées, spectacles, littérature, cinéma ; au sport : la course à pied, la marche, la natation, le yoga et les voyages.

Des personnes qui vous inspirent

Annie Ernaux. Sa façon unique de transcrire les choses de la vie me coupe le souffle. Tout être qui agit en faveur d’un monde meilleur.

Un livre & un film

Je lis beaucoup. Donc, beaucoup de livres m’inspirent. Le dernier en date s’intitule Prendre refuge, c’est une BD, fruit d’une collaboration entre Mathias Enard (prix Goncourt 2015) et l’illustratrice Zeina Abirached. Une merveille. Et j’avais beaucoup aimé Aquarius (Kleber Mendonça Filho), une allégorie sociale et politique de la société brésilienne à travers un très beau portrait de femme.

Un modèle

Une myriade de modèles, d’Alexandra David-Neel à Malala en passant par Isabella Rossellini, Marguerite Duras, Pierre Rabhi et de parfait-e-s inconnu-e-s qui m’épatent par leur volonté d’améliorer le monde.

Un objet

Un globe terrestre

Une couleur

Le rouge

Un rêve

Le pouvoir de stopper la montée du populisme dans le monde.